Hallo allerseits! Bis auf einen letzten Post aus Coney Island und eventuell ein paar analogen Bildern waren sie das, meine Eindrücke aus New York City. Ich hoffe, die Posts haben euch gefallen, in Zukunft gibt es hier wieder den ganz normalen Alltagskram und ein paar Fotos von meinem Kurztrip nach Paris. Ich wünsche euch einen wunderbaren Start in die Woche, wir lesen uns!
everbody, I'm back with another travel diary from NYC. This is what I
was up to:
Busy streets. | 2. The Statue of Liberty, which even seemed a bit
tiny compared to the enormous skyscrapers in the background. | 3. Getting ready for the day
with a proper american breakfast at the diner. | 4. Strolling around
Williamsburg where our Airbnb apartment was located. | 5. Again one of the
dioramas at the natural history museum, which I absolutely loved! |
6. Young man sitting on a rock in Central Park. | 7. Boy and women in
front of Monets water lilies in MoMA. So nice to see people looking
at a picture for a change instead of just snapping a picture on their
phone. | 8. Fish shop in Chinatown. | 9. Riding on the staten island
ferry in the late afternoon. | 10. Proud parents. | 11. Happy me as I had just found something to eat. | 12. Probably the best
chocolate chip cookie I've ever eaten. |
13. Sunset in Morningside Heights. If you're in the area, definitely check out
Columbia University, it's amazing! | 14. Awesome coathook my mum found next to a dumpster. | 15. Shiny buildings
in the financial district. | 16. Tired parents (and their overly cute
baby!) | 17. The ferry again and a tiny statue of liberty in the background. | 18. One of the world trade center
memorials. I would highly recommend seeing it, looking down into the black hole is absolutely frightening. | 19. Not so happy teddy bear. | 20. Stall with fresh vegetables in Chinatown. | 21. After rain there comes sun.
// Exept one last post from Coney Island, this will be the last Update from NYC. I hope you've enjoyed watching them, the upcoming posts will be back to everyday life and my trip to Paris! Have a great week everyone :)
// Exept one last post from Coney Island, this will be the last Update from NYC. I hope you've enjoyed watching them, the upcoming posts will be back to everyday life and my trip to Paris! Have a great week everyone :)