That's it for now, den nächsten Schwung Bilder gibts bald. Und damit wünsche ich euch eine fantastische Woche, wir lesen uns :)
Hey everyone! As you guys might have seen on Instagram I've been away on holiday. This June I visited a friend in Spain, Valencia to be precisely, for a couple of days. Now I finally managed it to sort out and edit all the pictures I took, so here's the first part of a couple of travel diary posts I'm gonna show you in the upcoming weeks. Enjoy!
1. Palm tree in Valencia's inner city. | 2. After my arrival we had a short rest at the apartment. | 3. Afterwards we drove down to the beach. Since Valencia isn't that big we went by bike most of the time instead of using public transport. | 4. Oleander growing along the beach promenade. | 5. Siesta in the flat and one of these amazing orange trees that grow everywhere in Valencia. Unfortunately you can't eat the fruits.. | 6. Late afternoon walk through the inner city. | 7. Pictures of me taken by this one, thanks! | 8. Beautiful trees in the city park. | 9. Having a glass of red wine in the flat and watching the sun go down outside the window. | 10. Lovers and flowers. | 11. Awkwardly standing around in front of pretty plants. The shirt is from Asos by the way. | 12. View above Valencia. // That's it for now, I'm gonna be back with another post soon. Have a great week everyone!
1. Palm tree in Valencia's inner city. | 2. After my arrival we had a short rest at the apartment. | 3. Afterwards we drove down to the beach. Since Valencia isn't that big we went by bike most of the time instead of using public transport. | 4. Oleander growing along the beach promenade. | 5. Siesta in the flat and one of these amazing orange trees that grow everywhere in Valencia. Unfortunately you can't eat the fruits.. | 6. Late afternoon walk through the inner city. | 7. Pictures of me taken by this one, thanks! | 8. Beautiful trees in the city park. | 9. Having a glass of red wine in the flat and watching the sun go down outside the window. | 10. Lovers and flowers. | 11. Awkwardly standing around in front of pretty plants. The shirt is from Asos by the way. | 12. View above Valencia. // That's it for now, I'm gonna be back with another post soon. Have a great week everyone!
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