Und damit wünsche ich euch allen einen wunderbaren ersten Adventssonntag, wir lesen uns! :)
(Leider sind fast alle Bilder aus meinen alten Blogposts von 2012-2014 von meinem *!#.?!.% Image-Hoster gelöscht worden, ich versuche momentan das Problem zu beheben, bis alle Posts aktualisiert sind, kann es allerdings noch ein paar Wochen dauern)
Hi everyone! It's sunday, it's the end of the month and that means it's time for my monthly recap in pictures!
1. A foggy night out (since this city is always foggy in autumn and winter, it feels like I haven't seen the sun in weeks..). | 2. When wandering around town in winter I love secretly peeking into people's illuminated flats trough their windows. Since I don't take photos of that (because that would be in fact slightly strange, haha) here's a peek into a lovely creative studio in town. | 3. Definitely one of the best things when visiting your family at home: Awesome food! This is stuffed leg of lamb with beans and colourful potatoes. yum! | 4. Early morning fog with the first rays of sunlight shining through it. | 5. Climbing on wobbly ladders trough an old chapel and taking pictures for the restoration report. | 6. One of these mornings, when you would rather stay in bed all day. | 7. One of the furballs and its favourite activity: Ruining every single one of my trousers. In the back a slightly irritated looking cat-mummy. | 8. And finally a picture of one of these rare sunny days! //
I wish you all a wonderful first sunday of advent, bye for now! x
1. A foggy night out (since this city is always foggy in autumn and winter, it feels like I haven't seen the sun in weeks..). | 2. When wandering around town in winter I love secretly peeking into people's illuminated flats trough their windows. Since I don't take photos of that (because that would be in fact slightly strange, haha) here's a peek into a lovely creative studio in town. | 3. Definitely one of the best things when visiting your family at home: Awesome food! This is stuffed leg of lamb with beans and colourful potatoes. yum! | 4. Early morning fog with the first rays of sunlight shining through it. | 5. Climbing on wobbly ladders trough an old chapel and taking pictures for the restoration report. | 6. One of these mornings, when you would rather stay in bed all day. | 7. One of the furballs and its favourite activity: Ruining every single one of my trousers. In the back a slightly irritated looking cat-mummy. | 8. And finally a picture of one of these rare sunny days! //
I wish you all a wonderful first sunday of advent, bye for now! x
Tolle Fotos für den Monatsrückblick!
ReplyDeleteIch glaube die Nebel und Sonnenscheinfotos fassen die 2 Hauptgedanken des Novembers zusammen: Ich möchte lieber im Bett liegen & Sonne bitte geh nicht weg. :)
Liebe Grüße <3
vielen dank, schön dass sie dir gefallen :)
DeleteWie schön" <33
ReplyDeleteIch mag Deine Fotos sehr. Wunderschön!
ReplyDeleteLiebe Grüße
das hör ich gerne! vielen dank :)
DeleteDas erste Bild ist auch super und beschreibt für mich (hier in Hamburg) den November am besten! Nebelsuppe!
ReplyDeletenebelsuppe triffts gut haha. und danke dir! :)
DeleteDas erste Bild gefällt mir sooo gut. Erinnert mich daran, dass ich noch mal abends mit einem Stativ durch die Straßen ziehen sollte :)
ReplyDeleteoh absolut, ich nehme mir das auch immer vor :) zumal einem die schönsten motive nichts nutzen, wenn auf dem bild dann alles unscharf wird :)
DeleteOhhh wie wunderschön! und ich liebe nebel, hat sowas mystisches und lässt alles wie im märchen aussehen :D tolle fotos, wie immer!